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Empresa: Prémios

A empresa “Art Metal” foi galardoada com os seguintes prémios, prémios e distinções pela sua produção e bens:

XI Edition Diamonds of the Polish Economy 2018 Competition

  • Distinction from the European Business Institute

X Edition Diamonds of the Polish Economy 2017 Competition

  • Distinction from the European Business Institute

Warsaw LIGHT 2017

  • 1st award for street luminary 29 TECHNO LED

Warsaw LIGHT 2015

  • Honorable mention for street luminary 27 SYNCHRO LED

Ostroda Public World 2014

  • "Best exhibition stand" Expo Arena

Warsaw LIGHT 2014

  • Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers Award in the competition on the Best Fair Product for stylish street luminaires ANTARES 23 and 24 NEXUS

Lublin ENERGETICS 2013

  • Fair Award in the category FORM OF PROMOTION

Poznań COMMUNITY 2013

  • Gold Medal of the International Fair for Stylish lanterns type K.

Kielce SACROEXPO 2013

  • Honorable mention for original and modern way of arranging the exhibition stand

Warsaw Light 2012

  • Jubilee Award

Torun, Conservation 2011

  • Honorable mention for the constant expansion of assortment and product design

Torun, Conservation 2010

  • the Grand Prix award for the permanent search for new forms adapted to the needs of the monuments

Torun, Conservation 2009

  • the Grand Prix award for styling and timeless appearance of the lanterns

Warsaw Light 2009

  • The first award for the lighting fixture 01 VERA / RX 100
  • II honorable mention in the Ministry of Economy for the best developing company in the SME sector in the lighting industry and electrical
  • honorable mention for the highest export growth

Warsaw 2008, Polish Academy of Success

  • Gold Medal for innovative designs and high quality of production

Warsaw LIGHT 2008 - Distinction

  • Ministry of Economy - in the category of up to 50 employees
  • Ministry of Economy for the highest export growth

Warsaw LIGHT 2008 - Award

  • second award ex aequo for the park lantern WL-3

Warsaw LIGHT 2007 - Award

  • The main award of the Minister of Economy

Warsaw 2006 - Honourable mention

  • In the competition organised by the Ministry of Economy and Labour for the best developing company in the SMEs sector

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    F.P.H. Art Metal Sp.j.

    Endereço: Av. Jabloniowa 124,
    Lapino Kartuskie 83-331

    N.º de imposto: PL5891592239

    Telefone: +48 58 681 80 78, +48 58 681 80 65
    Móvel: +48 538 99 77 22
    FAX: +48 58 681 80 64

    E-mail: info@art-metal.pl

    Horário de abertura: De segunda-feira a sexta-feira 07:30-15:30

    F.P.H. Art Metal Sp.j.
    Departamento de Comércio de Varsóvia

    Endereço: Av. Przemyslowa 6 ,
    Blizne Laszczynskiego 05-082

    Telefone: +48 22 487 52 07

    E-mail: warszawa@art-metal.pl

    De segunda-feira a sexta-feira 09:00-16:00

    (c) Art Metal sp. j. 2021r.

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